颱風天,意外得到研究Sample的一天,我打開一套奇特的弦樂大合輯 Ultimate Orchestral Sample Toolkit [BanannaButt] 這是一位叫BanannaButt的傢伙所做的一件瘋狂的事,他利用Kontakt的轉出功能,將最暢銷的幾套弦樂工具,全部轉成Wave檔,上傳到網路上供人下載。 怎麼把library轉成Wave檔? To extract the sounds from one of your Kontakt libraries, make sure you are running the AiR version of Kontakt (namely the 4.1.1 version. Then navigate to the Files > Save As, and select the instrument you wish to save. Then, choose Patch + samples and choose whether you would like to compress these samples or not (compressed means in the .NKC compressed format). Note: you cannot extract newer libraries unless they are explicitly made compatible. Check your library’s specs. 這傢伙很有趣,他在說明的Q&A裡,說明他為什麼把Kontakt轉成Wave的原因: WTF, why do you think that loading these samples in Kontakt is a bad idea? Seriously? There are two very good reasons for not loading samples in this fashion: 1. You can easily time and visualize where the samples increase in amplitude 2. You do not use up valuable instruments in ...
這是楊旋音樂誌,是一個以Apple Logic Pro、吉他、音樂、攝影,及文字,做為喇賽主題的部落格,希望這個部落格,能讓我認識更多我還不認識的朋友,知道更多在音樂上,我還不知道的事。