這個房間,承載著我的夢想,我的愛,與所有我認識對音樂關懷的人的眼光,再加上因我體重而日漸下沈的辦公椅,其負荷真可謂不輕,若加上以下的軟硬體清單,就更增加了這工作室的重量了 Major in Blue Production House Equipment List STUDIO MANE: Major in Blue production house LOCATION: My House KEY CREW: Randy Yang , owner/producer/engineer CREDITS: Self-Made Film and Music: Marriage film credit title,Nan Kai institute of technology introduction credit title Television advertisement Music: Lipton Chinese green tea advertisement,7-11 Athens Olympic Games commodity A documentary film Music: 1. Library and Information Department 2. Automated computer Department 3. Industrial engineering and control Department 4. Automobile engineering Department 5. Electronic engineering Department 6. Electrical engineering Department 7. Computer and communication Department 8. Information project Department 9. Information control Department 10. Business management Department 11. Financial finance Department 12.English Department 13.Muitlmedia Department 14.Students counsel center Popular Music: 1.Randy...
這是楊旋音樂誌,是一個以Apple Logic Pro、吉他、音樂、攝影,及文字,做為喇賽主題的部落格,希望這個部落格,能讓我認識更多我還不認識的朋友,知道更多在音樂上,我還不知道的事。