

目前顯示的是 7月 3, 2011的文章

learn the rules and THEN break them 問題是,你學到Rule了嗎?還是一直把瞎子摸象當成創新?

這裡有一篇很棒的文章 : 為了怕原文以後被移除,所以我特別把它Copy過來 You know how they say there are no rules in recording? Well, that’s kind of true. In college, one of my favorite classes was music theory. I took piano lessons as a kid. I learned guitar as a teenager, and I knew the basics of chord structure, sight-reading music, harmony, etc. However, I never knew the deeper reasons behind all of these things. I didn’t know why I liked to go from a five chord to the sixth minor chord. I never knew why the five chord likes to resolve to the one chord, and so on. One of the things we learned in that theory class was the “proper” way to write a choral arrangement. We studied the great composers like Bach and how he would take a single melody and develop a four-part choral arrangement around it. What was so interesting is that all of the choral arrangements of this particular period followed a certain, fairly strict, set of rules. For example, you could never have what’s called parallel fifths, where two n...


學了Apogee的Duet已經不是怎麼光彩了,RME,還是不要再笨了吧~ 我想知道誰會有用USB錄音的需求?都能帶那麼大一張錄音卡出門了,再多帶一台筆電有差嗎?可以同時收錄多軌,但只能錄成一個Stereo Track,當年我爸買給我的BR-8還比你強,一直在強調那塊"高解析螢幕"可以完成所有操作,但影片裡的工程師用不到5分鐘便轉到電腦螢幕上去了... 我唯一想到的功能,是把mp3裝在USB裡面播,但是誰會買一張六萬塊的錄音卡來播MP3? 縱使你媽是王雪紅也不該這麼幹~WHY? 會被笑啊笨蛋!