這裡有一篇很棒的文章 : 為了怕原文以後被移除,所以我特別把它Copy過來 You know how they say there are no rules in recording? Well, that’s kind of true. In college, one of my favorite classes was music theory. I took piano lessons as a kid. I learned guitar as a teenager, and I knew the basics of chord structure, sight-reading music, harmony, etc. However, I never knew the deeper reasons behind all of these things. I didn’t know why I liked to go from a five chord to the sixth minor chord. I never knew why the five chord likes to resolve to the one chord, and so on. One of the things we learned in that theory class was the “proper” way to write a choral arrangement. We studied the great composers like Bach and how he would take a single melody and develop a four-part choral arrangement around it. What was so interesting is that all of the choral arrangements of this particular period followed a certain, fairly strict, set of rules. For example, you could never have what’s called parallel fifths, where two n...
這是楊旋音樂誌,是一個以Apple Logic Pro、吉他、音樂、攝影,及文字,做為喇賽主題的部落格,希望這個部落格,能讓我認識更多我還不認識的朋友,知道更多在音樂上,我還不知道的事。